November 11, 2011

Horse play

It all starts here - girls and horses, it is a match made in heaven I believe. For me, it actually started with a wooden hobby horse - remember those? Mine never left my side as a child. Things blossomed from there. And apparently the genes have passed on - to my daughter ( who progressed to the big time jumpers) and to my little granddaughter - Love, equine style.

Adios Alfred

It's been a Long 12 Days without power/water/heat for thousands in Connecticut since Alfred hit (a Nor'easter that dropped deep wet snow in late October) 870,000 without power at first count in our state alone. A long slow recovery in frigid temperatures. Luckily, we were spared- the shoreline was protected by the relatively warm ocean waters (only received 5" of heavy wet snow!!) The news finally reported All Power had been Restored Finally! As I left work, I noticed the golden glow of the Full Beaver Moon, in soft lavender twilight - through the power lines. We do love our power!

November 7, 2011

Alfred Effect

Alfred came a'callin - heavy wet snow 3 days before Halloween, Almost a million without power in Connecticut - MAJOR tree damage, especially in the north part of the state. Today, 9 days after the storm thousands still have no power in these sub zero temperatures (at night) The year of record breakers continues.
There was no fall here in Southern New England, we jumped right into winter. Even this sky looks cold and omnious. Wonder what will come our way next?