I have been AWOL - I know . Of course it is presumptuous to think anyone misses my posts. But, hey if you are here maybe you did miss me a little ?
Life gets hectic at times, there has been some traveling with my husband, and the usual work, and house work and chores etc. But - -
I have found a new lover (gasp!) For my birthday I got a new 'big girl' Nikon digital camera and it was love at first click. The combination of 10 adorable grandkids, 2 new puppies and the New England fall foliage brought to my attention how miserable my little point and shoot camera is.
And my sketching needed a break, I felt a little burned out and a break can re-juice the battery. So a month has flown by.
So between reading several books on Real Photography and finally trying to understand my Photoshop Elements beyond the 'quick fix' panel - I did a sketch. Just a little black and white - of my new lens ( wide angle) so I can take some goulish picture of the little gobblins coming soon.
My blog is going to morph into a more eclectic montage, some photos (surprise surprise), some life updates and yes still sketching. I want to diverse and experiment and enjoy it all more. Hey I may throw in some recipes I love!
Hope you will continue to come visit and comment and join in my fun. Thanks to all who have and hopefully will!
Sandy (myfiddlestix)