Just felt like splashing color and ink into pretend flowers, last night. Summer is leaving all to fast, I barely enjoyed my garden this year. I wish the days would Slow Down.
My sketch did not turn out as intended - the sweet tiny daisy growing out of a crack in the parking lot along the curb. Such growth always amazes me - Nature endures!
Found a brilliant red maple lea among my black eyed susans, a sure sign things are a changin -
Summer has been intense and many trees are suffering from the long heat. I am not ready, although, those sunny breezy dry days are my favorite of the seasons.
I planted in early June, watered, fertilized and even talked to the zealous vines, but not a single bud. I vowed, after vacation, to pull them out and replant to get some sort of color. But mid august ~ viola, there they are - Glorious- and worth the wait.
The lovely Shore Path starts at the town dock (to the left) and travels almost a mile along the shore before turning into town - passing lovely rocky scenery and ocean/island views as well as gorgeous mansions and lawns and many shady spots to sit and enjoy. Low tide reveals a multitude of rocks and moss along the Bar Harbor Maine coast. I find the lobster boats at work to be mesmorizing.
I've been away on vacation and visiting family for much of August - nice travel, nice weather, too much food and drink :-( and not enough sketching. I have been reading and talking a lot and my drawing/painting has suffered. I did manage a few sketches from our stay in Bar Harbor which I will load as I can.