May 24, 2011

Otis and Angus

At almost 10 weeks they are growing quickly and have energy to spare. It's almost impossible to get a clear picture as they are constantly on the move. Thank God they are training very well, bright puppies aiming to please, ya gotta love Labs.
A new sketchbook devoted to the "babies". Page one done from an early picture. I will eventually learn how to draw them - I hope.

May 18, 2011

They're Here . . . .

Oh Boy are they ever here!!! We have our two new black labs, 8 weeks old and they are firecrackers! We have waited almost three months for them. One pup we have done before but two at once? YIKES!! We may be certifiably insane. Very adorable, but always moving and black is so hard to capture in photo and paint. So here is a sleeping sketch, Otis wears a red collar and Angus a blue collar - It's a Twin Thing!!

Spring - Sorta

I can dream anyway! I want to plant and pot and propagate!!! But New England had turned into swamp land. Rain for weeks now and more forecast into next week. Will my garden ever get planted. I have been to the nursery and have all my vegetables and some flowers ready to GO!!
AND, it would be so nice to get to the beach Before the summer crowds arrive.

May 12, 2011

Magenta Magnolias

Magnificent magnolias, such a welcome sight after a Long winger. Spring is in full bloom now.

Raptor's Rule

First Day of T Ball, loaded with fun and confusion.

Colins Bouquet

Quite an ODD composition! I started with the tree and bench, and later decided to add in Colin's bouquet in this tiny cup - should have blocked it perhaps, oh well, it documents a Fun/Lovely day.