Another, more traditional stab at the steps challenge. This sketch is taken from the cover of a town brochure. Once I had completed the steps the back ground seemed so blank and white and unfriendly, I tried filling in with a hint of the tree lines street behind and only a hint of sky - but scanned here it looks rather odd. I would appreciate suggestions on how to "finish" this while still keeping the steps as Key?!?
Oh I love them just as they are!
I so agree -- I LOVE These, Sandy -- they're the center of atttention and beautifully , beautifully done!! Super super job!
Gorgeous steps sandy, just gorgeous!!!
Me too Sandy, I like it just the way it is. Your steps are so nice and rustic.
My take is that those lovely stop steps are your center of interest, and this is a sketch. I'd just leave them alone. They are charming as they are.
Such lovely steps. You have done wonders with the stone. I wouldn't worry too much about the background trees as you would want them very mute with no detail. Scanning does make some colors seem to disappear.
A fine job indeed.
These are done beautifully! Funny, I have been putting off the challenge for exactly the same reason, I have the stairs but nothing for them to lead into...Maybe I'll just paint mine anyway since I like yours so well!
They're like a short 'stairway to Heaven'. Love 'em!
Beautiful, wonderful stairs!
I'm glad everyone else suggested you leave this exactly as it is, Sandy. The steps are beautifully done and you don't want to distract from them.
This is such a lovely drawing of the steps. I wish they were in my garden!
I love these steps! Wonderfully done!
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